At Ferring CE Primary School, our curriculum is designed to ensure our learners are prepared for life as successful, valuable and socially responsible citizens of the diverse and ever changing world that awaits them. Our carefully sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum, underpinned by inclusive practice, provides our children with the opportunity to build on their life experiences so far, in order to achieve goals outlined in the National Curriculum, enabling them to transition seamlessly to the local high schools. Opportunities are always given for our children to express themselves in a variety of ways and realise their potential in all areas of the curriculum and in life, as we encourage, embrace and celebrate their individuality.  As our children do not live within diverse communities, our curriculum provides a social and cultural understanding of local, national and global societies to equip them with the knowledge and understanding necessary to be responsible world citizens. The curriculum will support the physical and mental wellbeing of our children, enabling them to lead active and fulfilling lives. Through our curriculum we: 

  • Embed Christian Values of (for example) love, respect, friendship, honesty, forgiveness, hope, courage... whilst also promoting the five key British values.
  • Develop resilience, perseverance and independence.
  • Utilise the opportunities that outdoor learning offers as we live near the beach, the South Downs and have extensive school grounds.
  • Keep our children safe and ensure they know how to keep themselves safe in a modern world.
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Our curriculum is implemented through an engaging cross-curricular approach. A variety of topics are used as a springboard to help us to develop units of work that inspire and excite the children about their learning. The topics are rich in wonder and memorable experiences and they allow children’s natural creativity and curiosity to flourish alongside the purposeful acquisition of skills and knowledge.

We believe that choosing the right context to engage our children in their learning is vital in fostering a love for learning. Staff have worked together to carefully map out the curriculum to ensure there is clear progression for all and that we have high expectations for children’s achievements in all subjects.

Additional experiences offered to our children include visits and visitors linked to topics, using the beach environment to extend learning, participating in significant national events such as Anti-Bullying Week, Safer Internet Day and Book Week (to name but a few) and participating in church services. These experiences help us to enrich the curriculum even further and continue to deepen the children’s learning.



Children leave Ferring CE Primary School as happy, caring and confident individuals who know how to keep safe and who do well across all subjects. They have developed a love of reading, writing, maths and science, have the key skills necessary for the next stage of their learning, and they all have high aspirations for the future.


Please follow the links for more information on:



Religious Education

Relationship, Sex & Health Education (RSHE)













An overview of topics in our school is found below:



Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Reception This is me Celebrations

The big wide world

 Tale as old as time


All living things
Year 1 Roarsome! Superheroes Megastructures Into the Woods Castles

Stormy seas

Grace Darling

Year 2 Sweet like Chocolate Fantastic Ferring - Houses and Homes Ice Worlds Fire, Fire Dinosaurs - Mary Anning

Our Precious planet

Year 3 Stone Age Extreme Earth Walk like an Egyptian Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Fantastic Ferring - Beach/Church/   Doomsday Book

People and places
Year 4 It's all Greek to me! Water Worlds Rotten Romans Electrifying Experts Vile Victorians Rainforest
Year 5 Anglo Saxons We'll meet again    River Deep Mountain High The Beautiful Game Vicious Vikings
Year 6 Is there anybody out there? Tales of Arabian Nights Fantasy Worlds Magnificent Maya Heroes and Villans (Shakespeare) Moving Up and Moving On


Foundation Stage Curriculum
At Ferring CE Primary School we provide child centred learning based on the Foundation Stage curriculum.
Click on the icons below to find out more about the Foundation Stage.