
Required uniform:

White blouse or polo top

Grey pinafore dress /grey skirt /grey trousers

Royal blue cardigan or sweatshirt

Black, flat shoes


Optional uniform:

Blue Gingham dress (Summer uniform)

Branded royal blue cardigan /sweatshirt -available from Broadwater Sports



Required uniform:

Grey shorts or long trousers

Royal blue pullover or sweatshirt

White shirt /White polo shirt 

Black shoes


Optional uniform:

Branded royal blue sweatshirt -available from Broadwater Sports


Children should wear PE clothes on PE days. This is a house coloured t'shirt and plain joggers/ shorts and a sweastshirt. These should be grey/navy/black and with minimal branding


We would also point out that:

  • Make-up and nail polish are not allowed in school.
  • Flip-flops and fabric shoes are not permitted to be worn in school
  • Long hair should be tied back.
  • Jewellery should not be worn in school because such items can be easily lost or damaged and, more importantly, can cause unpleasant injuries.  If your child’s ears are pierced please see that they only wear small studs which cannot be caught in clothing, causing torn earlobes.  When doing PE, all earrings must be covered up by tape that parents/carers must supply, or your child needs to be able to remove their earrings themselves.  This is the responsibility of parents/carers.