Governing Body Vision for Ferring CE School

There should be expectation of the highest possible achievement and attainment for all children, as a result of consistently good/outstanding teaching of a broad balanced curriculum enriched by extra curricular activities. This will be achieved, in part, by the children's good behaviour and attitudes to learning which should be taught, modelled and expected.

Within the principles of inclusion and equality, underpinned by our Christian beliefs and values, children will feel safe and well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our children will learn within a safe, stimulating environment which is well resourced and led by motivated and effective staff.

Children will benefit from the school's strong relationship with all stakeholders and collaborative locality working with other schools.



Interim Headteacher for Autumn Term 2024 (ex officio): 1 x governor

Mrs. Keeley Houston
Start date: 1 September 2024

Staff Governor (elected by staff): 1 x governor

Mrs. Jane Jones
Start date: 9 November 2023
(4-year term of office ends 8 November 2027)

Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese): 3 x governors

Mrs Sue Pratt
Start date: 1 January 1989

(current 4-year term of office ends 31 Aug. 2025)

Rev. Shirley Tupper (ex officio)
Start Date: 9 February 2023

Mrs. Margaret Butler
Start date: 13 November 2023
(4-year term of office ends 12 November 2027)

Parent Governors (elected by parents): 2 x governors

Mrs. Melissa Seager
Start date: 30 September 2024
(4-year term of office ends 29 September 2028)

Ms. Sona Starkova
Start date: 30 September 2024
(4-year term of office ends 29 September 2028)

Local Authority Governor (appointed by West Sussex County Council): 1 x governor

Mr. Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE*
Start date: 9 April 2024
(4-year term of office ends 8 April 2028, one year term of office as Vice Chair ends 31 August 2025)
*formerly an Associate Member

Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body): 4 x governors
(currently 2 vacancies)

Rev. Robin Brenchley
Start date: 12 October 2022
(4-year term of office ends 11 October 2026, one year term of office as Chair ends 31 August 2025)

Mrs. Dawn Kennett*
Start date: 7 November 2023
(current 4-year term of office ends 6 November 2027)
*formerly a Parent Governor

Total membership = 12 governors

The Chair of the Governing Body is Rev. Robin Brenchley
The Vice Chair of the Governing Body is Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE


The governing body has established working groups as follows:

School Effectiveness (including quality of education, inclusion, special education needs, Pupil Premium, behaviour & attitudes, personal development, Headteacher and staff wellbeing): Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE (group chair), Rev Shirley Tupper, Margaret Butler, Jane Jones, Melissa Seager, Keeley Houston

Resources  & Safeguarding (including finance, premises, health & safety, website audit, staffing):
Dawn Kennett (group chair), Sue Pratt, Rev. Robin Brenchley, Sona Starkova, Keeley Houston

Worship: Rev. Shirley Tupper, Rev. Robin Brenchley, Keeley Houston


Declarations as at 1 September 2024

Other Governorships: Janes Jones is also Chair of the governing body of East Preston Infants' School.
Keeley Houston is also Headteacher at St. Mary's CE Primary School, Washington

Pecuniary Interests: None.

Relationships between Staff and Governors: None.


Attendances at Full Governing Body Meetings in the academic year 2023-24

Peter Byrne (former Co-opted Governor): 0 out of 1
Mark Gatenby (former Parent Governor): 0 out of 1
Karen Godfrey (former Co-opted Governor): 3 out of 5
Jennie Teakle (former Staff Governor): 1 out of 1
Jenny Trace (former Local Authority Governor): 0 out of 2
Naomi Welsh (former Headteacher): 6 out of 6
Claire Didcott (former Parent Governor): 2 out of 2
Valerie Simpson (former Co-opted Governor): 6 out of 6
Rev. Robin Brenchley: 6 out of 6 
Dawn Kennett: 5 out of 6
Sue Pratt: 4 out of 6
Rev. Shirley Tupper: 4 out of 6
Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE: 2 out of 2 as Local Authority Governor plus 3 out of 3 as an Associate Member
Jane Jones: 3 out of 5
Margaret Butler: 3 out of 5

Click here for the Governing Body Impact Statement 2022-23


Lead Governors:

Wellbeing: Jane Jones
Safeguarding: Sue Pratt
Special Educational Needs/Disabilities (SEND): (to be advised)
Jane Jones
Health & Safety / Premises:
Dawn Kennett
Sue Pratt
Collective Worship:
Rev. Shirley Tupper
Leadership & Management:
Andrew Ledgerton-Lynch OBE
Curriculum / Teaching & Learning:
Margaret Butler
Ethos / wider life of the school:
Revs. Shirley Tupper & Robin Brenchley




You care about the education children receive
You want to make an important contribution to your local community
You enjoy a challenging and rewarding role
You are keen to help all children do better at school
You want to help strengthen the link between schools and their communities


There are no formal qualifications, either academic or otherwise, needed to become a school governor. The one essential requirement is an interest in, and commitment to, the education of children. Governors have to be over 18 years of age.

Governors are ordinary people, drawn from many areas of society. They need to be able to devote time to getting to know the school well and be available to support it.

A governor must be a good listener, and someone who is able to read and assimilate information easily. A governor must be able to:

Raise questions and to participate in discussion and decision-making
Be discreet, open minded and fair
Be a source of ideas and a good communicator
Be enthusiastic about the work of the school
Be prepared to participate in its life


Governors play an important part in overseeing the running of the school in the interests of the community it serves. Individual governors have no power or responsibility. It is only the full governing body which has legal duties and powers. All governors share in that corporate responsibility. The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the headteacher and staff. The philosophy for running the school is a shared responsibility worked out by common consent.

Governors govern rather than manage. They are there to give direction and focus by performing a vital strategic role. Governors work with the headteacher making decisions about, for example, educational standards and targets, finance, staffing, and policies.



The usual term of office is four years. However, governors are volunteers who can leave at any time and can similarly be re-appointed or re-elected. Governors can be disqualified for failing to attend a main meeting of the governing body for six months from the date of the first meeting missed.



A great deal of professional advice and support is available to help governors with their duties and responsibilities, and all new governors are offered an induction course.



Get in touch with our headteacher or chair of governors.
Have a look at the West Sussex County Council website and search for 'Governors'.


Click here to see the West Sussex County Council booklet "Becoming a School Governor"