Autumn Term 2019

Year 6 Bikeability

Our new Year 6 children all took part in Bikeability in the second week back in the Autumn term.  Everyone made a great effort and demonstrated appropriate, safe and sensible skills on the road.  The instructors reported back that their behaviour and attitude was very impressive and wanted to pass on their thanks to a great group.  Well done everyone.

Windlesham House Maths Competition

Some of our more able Year 6 mathematicians were invited to take part in a Maths competition at Windlesham House.  Four boys, Luke, Ben, Sam and Matthew represented Ferring brilliantly.  They made up two teams within seventy competing in total.  Although we did not win, the boys took on the incredibly challenging event with great enthusiasm and made us very proud of their efforts.  It is just great to be taking part in such a variety of events and competitions.  Well done and thank you to all of the boys.

Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019

 Once again, everyone at Ferring took part in the National Anti-Bullying week.  The theme was 'Change Starts with Us' and was focused what each of us, as individuals, can do to help prevent bullying in our school.  The children engaged enthusiastically and sensibly in a variety of activities during the week to develop their understanding of how to prevent bullying behaviour and what to do when they feel it is a problem.  There was a range of work produced as a result, including posters, poems, stories and pledges, which were shared in assembly following the week's work.  Well done to all the children for taking on this hugely important theme with maturity and playing their part in ensuring behaviour in our school is outstanding.

To look back at the events from 2018-19 click here.

To look back at the events from 2017-18 click here.


Autumn Term 2019

Year 6 Bikeability

Our new Year 6 children all took part in Bikeability in the second week back in the Autumn term.  Everyone made a great effort and demonstrated appropriate, safe and sensible skills on the road.  The instructors reported back that their behaviour and attitude was very impressive and wanted to pass on their thanks to a great group.  Well done everyone.

Windlesham House Maths Competition

Some of our more able Year 6 mathematicians were invited to take part in a Maths competition at Windlesham House.  Four boys, Luke, Ben, Sam and Matthew represented Ferring brilliantly.  They made up two teams within seventy competing in total.  Although we did not win, the boys took on the incredibly challenging event with great enthusiasm and made us very proud of their efforts.  It is just great to be taking part in such a variety of events and competitions.  Well done and thank you to all of the boys.

Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019

 Once again, everyone at Ferring took part in the National Anti-Bullying week.  The theme was 'Change Starts with Us' and was focused what each of us, as individuals, can do to help prevent bullying in our school.  The children engaged enthusiastically and sensibly in a variety of activities during the week to develop their understanding of how to prevent bullying behaviour and what to do when they feel it is a problem.  There was a range of work produced as a result, including posters, poems, stories and pledges, which were shared in assembly following the week's work.  Well done to all the children for taking on this hugely important theme with maturity and playing their part in ensuring behaviour in our school is outstanding.

To look back at the events from 2018-19 click here.

To look back at the events from 2017-18 click here.


Autumn Term 2019

Year 6 Bikeability

Our new Year 6 children all took part in Bikeability in the second week back in the Autumn term.  Everyone made a great effort and demonstrated appropriate, safe and sensible skills on the road.  The instructors reported back that their behaviour and attitude was very impressive and wanted to pass on their thanks to a great group.  Well done everyone.

Windlesham House Maths Competition

Some of our more able Year 6 mathematicians were invited to take part in a Maths competition at Windlesham House.  Four boys, Luke, Ben, Sam and Matthew represented Ferring brilliantly.  They made up two teams within seventy competing in total.  Although we did not win, the boys took on the incredibly challenging event with great enthusiasm and made us very proud of their efforts.  It is just great to be taking part in such a variety of events and competitions.  Well done and thank you to all of the boys.

Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019

 Once again, everyone at Ferring took part in the National Anti-Bullying week.  The theme was 'Change Starts with Us' and was focused what each of us, as individuals, can do to help prevent bullying in our school.  The children engaged enthusiastically and sensibly in a variety of activities during the week to develop their understanding of how to prevent bullying behaviour and what to do when they feel it is a problem.  There was a range of work produced as a result, including posters, poems, stories and pledges, which were shared in assembly following the week's work.  Well done to all the children for taking on this hugely important theme with maturity and playing their part in ensuring behaviour in our school is outstanding.

To look back at the events from 2018-19 click here.

To look back at the events from 2017-18 click here.